How many facets of yourself do you present to the world in any given day. You could be a mom, a partner, a business owner, and also your own self finding their way through everything else. Are you sure of who you are when you go to work and interact with those around you. Do you feel confident getting on that plane knowing you can travel, for work or pleasure, and are allowed to take up that space.
We, at Sinders Sisters, are all of the above all day every day and, believe me, it's hard work to feel like you are managing every piece of you to its full potential. It takes time to feel like you are balancing in any real way and balance still means more effort can go into one aspect more than another from one day to the next. I'll let you in on a secret as to the one biggest problem we had when we were younger, when we were starting our first business, trying to be all off these things at once. We needed a mentor. Someone who had been there, someone who was currently there, someone who knew a bit about what it takes to not just manage but to make it.
Our goal now? To be there for you.